
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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Feb 20, 2024

Trash heap of a school

I've seen nuclear testing sites less toxic than this hellhole. The teachers don't care about all the bullying going on, half the students are homophobic, racist Nazi's and the other half are bullies and/or annoying thorns in the side, the vaping problem is out of control, the bathrooms are always wrecked, the teachers are so incompetent at their jobs that they never teach you crap, and did I mention this school has had a history of violence, deaths, and r*pists? Yeah, there's been at least 1 of each in this schools history. Thank GOD it's my last year here because I'd take being sent to hell than have to spend another year here, my 4 years are nearly over and I can't wait. To anyone reading this, don't even think about coming here; you'll either be given PTSD or severe depression.
Feb 20, 2024

A complete trash heap

A complete trash heap full of toxicity and bullying, I've seen nuclear testing sites less toxic than this hell. Teachers don't care about the bullying going on, half the students are Nazi's and the other half are a pain to deal with, vaping problem is out of control and teachers couldn't care less, the education is crap, everyone in the school is on the verge of fighting each other, and a whole lot more I could go on about. Thank GOD it's the last year for me here because this place has been 4 years of hell, and for anyone reading this, don't even think about coming here.
May 16, 2023

Bad school

The teachers don't care about the students, the grading system is idiotic, no-one could care LESS about the amount of bullying that goes on in this school, the vaping problem in this school is outrageous, kids are being treated like crap. The only good thing about this school is the canteen.
14 Gwy Terrace, 5461, Balaklava
Sonia Pringle
08 8862 0600

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