
Based on 4 reviews and 27 answers
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Former Student
Oct 14, 2023

Dropped out after I nearly went insane

Build a bong

This school lacks everything, if you want an education do not go here if you want to be mentally stable do not go here. This school or block of land with buildings doesn’t care about you or if you are struggling unless you happen to be related to the principal or really good at sport (only male’s).
Jun 9, 2023

Just no

Run, you don’t need the trauma these people have undergone, please sane yourself it’s not worth it
Mar 18, 2023

do not send your children here if you want then to be happy

This school is horrible, i’m in year 10 and i genuinely hate it here. The teachers are terrible they bully the kids that go there they don’t have a single care in the world for the students and what they might be going through or what they have gone through, the deputy this year is tragic.
The kids are feral, the bullying at that school is unreal.
The teacher push issues away and tell the kids to deal with it themselves but when students deal with it themselves they get suspended.
Yes you shouldn’t get into physical fights at school but when students between the ages of 13-18 to deal with issues such as bullying and harassment themselves what else do you expect? Us to walk away? Avoid them? Try talking to the person/s your having issues with? No. Obviously in a situation where a physical fight occurs is usually when the students involved in that have had enough, simply because the teacher push us away!

The uniform is far to strict. And are not inclusive.
As a woman going to that school i feel uncomfortable wearing the uniforms, the shorts ride up the shirts are not made for a woman’s build, not even the dresses are nice they are extremely thick material and end up breaking easily. the yellow and white shirts are far to see through and if any water is spilt on them we have to get changed. they have made new track pants but again they are still poor quality. hence why students turn ti wearing their own choice of clothing because we feel comfortable. we pick clothing out and wear clothing that suits us and that keeps our body temperature at a normal rate.

I do not. plan on staying at Billabong High School for much longer simply because of these reasons and and many many more.
Feb 17, 2023


Bro I legit go to this school but this school is so bad and it’s terrible on kids mental health. Please someone try to fix this school and realise the teachers bully these kids!!!

Only reason I haven’t left is cause I’m in year 12 and have like 2 and a half terms left but ever since the old (he was bad but better than whatever the hell id happening atm) principal left everything has gone downhill.

Ask for students opinions on the school without teachers present if you ever consider sending your child here. Otherwise- run as far away as possible.
Gordon Street, 2660, Culcairn
Kurt Wawszkowicz
02 6029 8377

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