
Based on 1 reviews and 9 answers
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Jun 18, 2023

Boort District School

The Boort District School provides excellent facilities for all subjects with opportunities VET learning, gateways programs and multiple sporting events. The teachers are well experienced in their field with some being near retirement age.
Communication from teachers to parents is mostly done through use of Xuno and email. Although these programs are very useful and simple to use, there are often issues with parents not receiving messages or with little notice. Personally, upon arrival to this school, I had limited knowledge to subjects for my first day and no email to contact any teachers. I would suggest that teachers don’t rely on students taking home physical notes for messages to their parents as it is very easy for them to become lost.
9 - 27 Malone Street, 3537, Boort
Lee-Anne Sherwell
03 5455 2201

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