
Based on 4 reviews and 36 answers
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Former Student
Jun 19, 2023

Toxic Environment

It’s a toxic environment where bullying and hate are allowed to occur. As a former student, i was bullied relentlessly and when going to the principle as a last resort, no action was taken to reprimand the bully but rather as a victim, i was made to feel in the wrong for asking for help.
Former Student
May 9, 2023

Absolutely terrible

teachers do not care. They care more about uniform than your learning. Some teachers Shouldn’t even be teachers. Our whole class failed maths because of one teacher and she still works there to his day. So glad I got out of that shithole
Feb 22, 2023

Honest truth in coolum state high school

this school is not the best, the toilet facilities are damaged as well as disgusting, there will often be faeces smeared on the wall urine on the floor/ seats. majority of the toilets do not lock or have been broken. They constantly brag about how they are much better then every other school as well as displaying the highest ATAR on signs this is not a healthy environment for kids to learn in. they also have an class called "alpha" (for the smarter kids) and their classes get to go on excursions and outings while the other kids barely leave the school once a year (no school camps) this is unfair and gives the other students a disadvantage.
Feb 18, 2023

Coolum is dog shit

Coolum is a shit school and is very boring, teachers and staff don’t care abt their students wellbeing and cares more about if you wear the right uniform or if you have your phone out. Coolum can go live in a ditch
Havana Road East, 4573, Coolum Beach
Robyn Burton-Ree
07 5471 5333

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