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Oct 5, 2023

0 stars

If I could rate it 0 I would. This is a horrible school. Bullying, violence, sexual assault ect. Don’t send your kids here as they will come out of the school as astray. You wont ever find a school that has more bullying than this one. The teachers don’t do shit about it and say I’ll sort it out later but never do. And if they do you end up getting bashed for “snitching”.

The Welbeing is meant to be a safe place we’re you can go and talk to someone about your feelings, we’ll after you vent to them they end up ringing your parents and telling them everything you just said.

The canteen food is absolutely disgusting although the lady’s in the canteen are really nice.

The teachers sometimes have to lock the gates leading from the oval to the canteen and the junior school because of a brawl, students pick fights over the randomest stuff and then all of a sudden 500+ students are crowding around running around the school.

Some of the teachers are really really nice and will respect you but 90% of them are mean. Once you do something “terribly” wrong they will tend to target you through the rest of your school years. You will find that you have a CRT for atlest one of your classes a day due to lack of teachers.

As of the bunch of teachers that are nice, a few oldies, metalwork & woodwork teachers, and mr keys. The rest are appalling yelling at you abusing you sometimes even lying to the coordinators to get you in trouble. I remember one of the German teachers (I think got fired?) was rubbing his private area against my table whilest yelling at me. I walked out of the classroom and of course I got an after school detention for “out of class” .

Everything you do you do it over and over everyday. English you read a story for 10 weeks straight, i don’t learn anything here in fact I have learnt something and that is to not let anyone get to me as if someone did get to me I would just get countlessly bullied day after day.

There was one teacher in particular that told a student to “go back we’re they came from” thankfully they got fired, but no one should ever get told that especially a child.

The rules are really strict, the gates open at 8am oh forgot to mention the OFFICE GATE. Yes we are made to walk through the front office gate so the teachers can look us up and down and make sure we are in “correct” uniform. If we have a black long sleeve underneath our correct school shirt we would be made to take it off, if we have black leggings on under our dress we are made to take it off. The uniform rules are so strict. I can understand on excursions as it’s the “looks for the school” but seriously it’s so bad. The uniform is so uncomfortable the sports shirt is the only ok thing to wear but we are only able to wear that to sport. The jackets are meant to be rain jackets but get soaked when it rains, the white shirts are legit see-through I feel so bad for all the girls. We have to have black business pants and black leather shoes which make you feel so tight and claustrophobic.

The classrooms are so gross if there isn’t graffiti everywhere there’s glue or paint sometimes there’s even fart bombs being thrown around (in toilets and classrooms) some of the classrooms are really rundown and smell one of the classrooms is so tiny there’s 5 tables and we are expected to fit 25 kids in it it’s so claustrophobic.

A really good thing about the school is the breakfast club in the morning I think that’s a really nice thing to do for the students who don’t eat breakfast or have no time. It’s also ran by the same lady every morning she needs a payrise!!!!

Not to mention again that the teachers are abusive but when you ask to go to the toilet during class they say no. If you go into the toilets are lunch or recess every person is In There vaping or smoking. Including year7s. It’s so disgusting seeing such young kids do this at school.

Sometimes you will end up seeing students making out or even worse.

When it’s summer all the students have water fights and the teachers go absolutely mad they grabbed my friend by the arm and pulled her to the office and she was made to go home. I don’t understand a group of kids trying to have fun? I get getting in trouble but grabbing someone??

If you leave your phone in your locker no doubt it won’t be there at the end of the day the lockers are so unsafe and easy to get into. But then you will get yelled at for having your phone in your pocket.

I hope you read this and rethink about sending your child here. There are plenty of better schools in the area that your child will be safer in and learn things. Thank you.
Jul 22, 2023

My opinion

Terrible school needs to be shut down
Former Student
Feb 3, 2023

Disgusted in this school

I learnt nothing here because when I would ask a teacher for help they would always tell me to watch a YouTube video, but it was harder for me and alot of other students because I'm a face to face learner or hands on learner and not all teachers knew how to help students like this, they had one way of teaching for everyone and I don't think that's fair.

The indoor environment of the classrooms was just genuinely because the one new building that was built with nice new classrooms no one ever had classes in there, in the old buildings they have tables and chairs that are ruined or completely unusable.

I also don't appreciate that I always got yelled at in this one class for the teacher accusing of being on my phone although I never took it out of my pocket.

The reason my phone was always in my pocket is due to the school not being able to guarantee the saftey of my phone and other belongings in the lockers, and not only that but also they would not let us put our own locks on or locker it had to one of there combination locks. The teachers told us that if they see a lock from home on our lockers they will cut it off. I also dont believe that should have been said especially as they wouldn't have given the money to replace the lock.

I also don't find it appropriate that a teacher would call my parents from his personal contact number. The teacher was talking to my parents telling them the I have bad friends and that I'm a bad influence on others, and I know that I'm not the only person this teacher had done this too as my friends had told me the teacher had said the same thing to there parents and they were getting in lots of trouble at home because of this teachers phone calls.

Another thing bullying is a big issue. I'll start by talking about the teachers bullying me, so my heath education and sport teacher would always bully my friend and I because of the way we looked. For example in a health class we were watching a video of all girls playing footy, (keep in mind that my friend and I were the only two 'bigger' girls in his class) so we were watching that video and they were talking about requirements to make the team things like that, but a comment came from the teacher saying "all the women in the footy team have a one size fits all uniform" the teacher looked at my friend and I in front of the whole class and said " I know to girls in this class that wouldn't be able to fit in to that uniform". Another thing this teacher had also said to my friend and I we were doing the full school run but we both had medical reasons why we couldn't run and even provided a note, but the teacher did not agree with that and than said we had to complete the full school run anyways, the teacher said we could walk so that is what we did we were nearly the last back and when everyone was back this teacher decided to sir us all down in the gym and pointed out my friend and I in front of the whole class and the teacher said " when we do the full school run I expect you to run , we are not walking or dawdling these two girls have made us waste the rest of our sports lesson" I don't find either of these examples appropriate for anyone to say let alone your teacher.
As for students bullying me I was bullied every single day , I'll give an example so hopefully this changes in the future, in year 7 and 8 two girls would bully me everyday they would push me into my locker or into someone, I had a lock thrown at me I had my phone smashed, I was filmed, I was getting spam calls from the bullies and these are just a few little examples, I thsn went to speak to a coordinator about this and they told me I need to go back to class and they will sort it out later, they did nothing. The bullying got so bad the ended up attacking me outside of school, so I went to the police and and made a police report but that did nothing either. I had a coordinator say to me " I'm not gonna believe you, I know you are lying , you are the bully not them" when I tell you I had no words because all I could do is cry is sad I ended up missing a month of school because I just couldn't go if I knew they were going to be there ready to bash me and the teachers coordinators and principals did nothing. The only way this stopped was that they left school , that was no thanks to any of the staff, because no one let me have a say of my side of the story they just didn't believe me, I don't find that very fair.
Stawell Street, 3977, Cranbourne
David Caughey
03 5996 3544

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