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Aug 27, 2023

Teachers are the worst there

The school is great learning but the teachers on the other hand have made kids run out of the class and even cry othwise it's ok
Former Student
Jul 3, 2023

wanted to share

i attended frankston high from year 7-10. academically, phenomenal school. there is lots of learning i have retained to this day. and amidst all the strict teachers, there were amazing teachers. in saying that, it became apparent that they cater and advocate to those who perform well academically.

mental health is not the first priority — atleast from my experience. if you start struggling with attendance for mental health reasons, it can be overlooked. their first priority is "we need to find a way to get you back to school" and they inferred this in meetings and on email. why is the first priority not "how can we support your mental health?" or "we have services at our school that can help". yes, it is mentioned eventually, but the first thing they care about is attendance and academics because they don't want to tarnish the school's reputation and overall performance. anything that's a setback to the school's reputation has to be taken care of straight away, and i understand, but my situation was handled improperly.

the first meeting i went to felt degrading. we were seated about 5 meters apart in this big meeting room. me, my parent and 3 staff members on the other side. it felt like a debate. i don't remember what was said, but i still remember the feelings i felt in that moment. i felt belittled, alone, overlooked, transparent. the whole interaction felt standoffish, like i was being lectured for poor attendance and uncertainty on what to do about it. it's something you can't really explain in words, and i wouldn't want any other student to experience it.

i'm not trying to damage frankston high's rep, believe me, it's a beautiful school. but i felt it was important to share my experience (and i just saw an ad for this site so i thought, why not lol). anyone can go there, i truly believe that, but keep in mind not everyone may be suited for it. you have to be strong mentally and academically to exceed in that school.

to keep it positive i'll talk about the good things i got out of it. the friends i made are something i'll remember for life. i have many good memories and experiences i got to share with them — and i miss them till this day. despite my experience, there was so much opportunity at that school. and if things could've gone differently for me, i would've stayed and thrived. the events, excursions, incursions, extracurricular activities etc... it was amazing. i enjoyed hearing about my friends doing rowing and netball practice in the morning and afternoon. i loved the menacing kids that every class had — it made it fun. i thoroughly enjoyed the classes material. what was taught and how it was taught, was so engaging and enjoyable and the teachers made sure of that.

my road was a little bendy, but in the end, i enjoyed the practical lessons of: science, the math, the english, the robotics, the IT, the french language classes (they also have japanese), the history incursion was amazinggg. and there's so much more.

there's plenty to take away and i'm grateful i got the experience. for any students that want to attend or are currently attending, you have a long road ahead of you, and i wish you the best. make sure it's the right decision

regards, anonymous
May 18, 2023

Frankston high

as a year 7 student, this school really could be better. It is not good
Foot Street, 3199, Frankston
Andrew Batchelor
03 9783 7955

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