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Feb 28, 2025

caca skl!!!!!!!!!.

Shit school all they care about is uniform they don't care about people smoking if u see a cloud of smoke and nasty stanky caca coming out the girl bathroom don;t be afraid of its normal and the boys doing slapes every day teacher don't respect students but when they disrespect them its a big big no no this school should be locked up and don't get me stared about the new principle he lowkey doesn't know what his doing and expects us all to be like his daughters but i love miss cook she is a wonderful teacher they should get more like her i cant express how amazing she is. also yall need to clean up cause im sick of touching gum under the tables thanks and also let me go bathroom cause i don't think yall would like piss in your stank ass carpets thank you bye.
Former Student
Sep 16, 2023


This school is terrible! I get really sick occasionally and they did not care one bit, they left me sitting in the office for 4 hours tried to call my mum once and because she was at work and didn’t answer they said i have to wait and they didn’t even bother calling my emergency contacts. THATS WHY THEY HAVE THOSE CONTACTS FOR!!!! The office staff are rude and think they know everything when they know absolutely nothing, we showed them all my doctors reports and everything and they still did nothing to help and didn’t make me feel safe at all. School is supposed to be a safe place but i had a panic attack every morning before school because i was terrified that if i got sick they would just send me back to class or leave me in the office for hours, everytime i said i was sick they were rude and they treated me so badly. they were rude to my mum everytime she went in and came to pick me up. i had to force myself to leave in year 10 being so sad i cant graduate with my friends because of the way i got treated! the teachers are horrible as well they all blame me for everything, i got suspended in year 8 for something i didn’t even do and i had the proof that i didnt do it and someone else did. yet they still suspended me and every since i got suspended for something that wasn’t my fault all the teachers found something to blame me for, and always took everything back to that suspension. THAT WASNT MY FAULT!!! I had such bad anxiety and going to that school made it a million times worse, i clearly needed help with my exams and they would give other kids special treatment to do exams in a different room but me and my mum asked since the day i started year 7 and not once did they do that for me, with my anxiety i would get really bad attacks where i would need to be alone and it took them 3 years to give me a “leave the class pass” i didn’t even use it that much but my year
coordinator said to me i had to say in the class and do some “distractions” instead of leaving BUT THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THAT PASS!!! Both me and my mum told them if i stayed in the class i would get worse and none of them wanted to listen. i had two good teachers last year, my religion and science teacher, and they were absolutely amazing with me getting sick and with my anxiety they would check up on me every lesson and make sure i was ok, the girl year co last year i never had a issue with her when it came to my sickness but apart from that the rest of them are a bunch of useless human beings. i do not recommend this school at all, and if you send your kids there you are setting them up for depression and anxiety!
Sep 1, 2023

Great if you are dedicated to your learning

Great school! Has great resources for help especially during senior years. Most teachers are extremely dedicated. Students will enjoy their time there as long as they remain respectful, try hard and follow school rules. Uniform is extremely important here. If you look for support here you will find it. Also great spirit.

Lots of extracurricular activities that will help when applying to Uni.
Jul 25, 2023

Hit or Miss

Great school overall, however some teachers aren’t up to a great standard considering they are teaching senior classes. There are some excellent teachers, especially in Maths, SOR, PDHPE, Business and CAFS.

They tend to invest more money into making the school look great, rather than into the students education and getting better teachers. Its honestly a gamble every year hoping to get a good teacher for your subjects.

Quite cheap in comparison to other private/catholic schools. Uniform is still quite expensive and very strict expectations on this as well. If your are planning on dyeing your hair, getting multiple piercings in your ears, or anything concerning those, prepare for the consistent punishments and detentions.
Mar 5, 2023

Year 9

Teachers don't care until u fight back

Teachers don't care about the quiet kids and people who get bullied until they fight back and only target innocent kids when they do something bad
Feb 24, 2023

Save yourself the trouble

I brang my daughter to this school thinking it'll embrace Catholic ethos and values but this school cares about the impression the students perceive outside of the school. It is nothing but image. I do not recommend!
401 Hoxton Park Road, 2168, Hinchinbrook
Jane Donovan
02 9825 9955

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