had the most awful time here, teachers where fucking abusive and condescending, got bullied all the time and in lots of fights and fuckwit students wanting to fight me all the time, developed lifelong damage from trauma and developed mental disorders like schizoaffective bipolar disorder, PTSD, Borderline personality disorder, and excruciating anxiety and severe paranoia and feeling angry and agitated all the time and depressed, some teachers were ok and most were my teachers aids and some of the tech teachers, but had the worst experience their and a lot of fake people too and friends are quite happy to turn on you and many asshole students make you feel inferior, btw i had autism which made school a living hell with all the social conformity, peer pressure and having to mask and my attendance was shocking because of very poor mental health- the worst of all was the bullying i endured and the fucking narcissistic people and i did not like learning school was hell for me from kinagarten to the end of high school, i found out the first day in kindergarten that i found out did not fit into societal molds and made very clear i was unwanted in the social circles and my interests did not fit the mold of society's standards fuck societal norms- but anyway school sucked for me
I’d like to clear up a few things about what has been written here . Firstly, this school has some amazing teachers who are unable to do their job because of the poor behaviour of some of the students. These students have little to no respect for anybody, and often this attitude comes from the home. Parents tell their children that they “don’t have to go to class if they don’t want to” that “ they can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do” . Every opportunity to succeed is offered to these students and they refuse to take advantage of them , they’d rather run up and down the corridors acting the fool and disturbing the learning of everyone else. Teachers try , but with little to no support there is only so much they can do.
As for the toilets, they are closed when students demonstrate that they can’t be trusted to use them appropriately unless supervised. When left to their own devices these students congregate en masse to vape, truant class, or vandalise the facilities, including graffiti and setting fires in the bins/sinks INSTEAD of going to class. How is this the fault of the teachers? Perhaps people should be looking closer to home for blame. In saying this , students are allowed to use them, NO-ONE is denied use of the bathroom, they are required to ask for a key to unlock them so that teaching staff can better manage the risk of damage and truancy. They are LOCKED for the safety of your child.
This school has all the makings to be an amazing school. Its curriculum js wonderful. They offer many courses catering to many different interests and abilities. What they lack, is a student / parent body that values education. Teach your children some discipline and respect and maybe they will be able to learn something !
this school is terrible, i’m a student at this school currently and i got suspended because another student hit me across and the face and i got suspended for “ starting the fight” when i wasn’t doing anything at all.
the kids here are just as bad as the teachers, teachers would rather write you up for not having the right socks on then help you with assignment, sure they have homework centres but that is only on wednesdays and i didn’t get any help at all sat in the library for 3 hours and didn’t get any work done cause i had no help, sure it’s different for other students say like the ones that get A+ in every class but the students that don’t listen they would rather them be suspended for 20 days or more then having too deal with the child or help in anyway, mental health at this school is the worst i’ve seen in teens i’ve asked a couple of year 7s how they’re doing mentally and they all say since coming to our school they’ve just been covered in homework and assessments
Ignore these 1 star non-credible "reviews".
As a current student, this school has amazing teachers who use all their time towards us students, we are cared for and are felt like a team! Most of the students are great, respectful and work to their best! However, there are some bad apples who ruin things that impact everyone.
"The toilets are locked whenever..."
There is an important reason for this, because more and more students are smoking e-ciggerettes which many schools in AU are having trouble, and hanging in the bathroom, as well as them vandalising some toilets, impacts everyone. That is those student's fault and their parents for not raising them right.
A quality public school with great education and once in a lifetime opportunities that await!
This school is shit most of the time the teachers are away or just don’t even bother to teach, your kids will get very behind at Westport all they care about is the school looking good and having good uniform rather then caring if they learn
They don’t care about education just your uniform.
They lock the toilets whenever they want some times all day so no one gets to go to the toilet especially if your a girl you need the toilet for reasons.
Teachers just gave up on teaching you so we have to copy everything off Google. They don’t care about anything anymore there’s much more I can say about this school. Its horrible
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