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Former Student
Apr 27, 2023

Honest review for indie school wagga.

Indie is an independent learning school. It's a school that preaches laid back free learning and a strong support for youths mental health. I generally enjoy learning and interacting with the staff, but one thing that has made me feel like the school itself takes minuscule problems and takes them way out of proportion. Simple playground teasing which is common in schools gets turning in one on one interrogations about what the student was doing or saying. They seems to care about small average things that are bound to happen in any school.
Yet, another problem is that the serious things that happen between students aren't taken seriously enough, this includes "allegedly" students that are being let in the school despite there being pass tension, assaults and police reports between new students and current students.
Students being sent home for a reset day despite the student being fine.
Countless of coming and going mental health counsellors, which makes students unable to have a healthy and stable strong relationship with them.
And ect. That being said, this school has Countless of course that's helps with learning and life skills. This includes : VET in school, first aid, white card and more. All paid for by the school. The school sport activities are also fun and enjoyable like going bowing, flip out and more fun PE activities. Also paid by the school. Despite the social down sides of this school, this school is good for students who have had a difficult experience from past school. 7/10
34 Kincaid Street, 2650, Wagga Wagga
Renee Maslin
02 5925 5430

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