
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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May 18, 2023

Things I Think KSHS Need to Work On

As a student, its not all that bad at KSHS, but I do have some issues with the system:
1. Allowing rude things to be said and telling victims/witnesses to 'be nice'
Eg. A classmate was being transphobic, my friend provided them simple logic on how its normal, and the teacher just said to stand down and be nice
2. Teachers who abuse their authority. Almost nothing is done and some of these teachers are still here. One of which gets mad when someone calls her out on her behaviour, she had that student moved. Another teacher would also scream at students in the face for not being perfect.
3. Mental health awareness. I want to see more focus being drawn to that because I know so many students who have mental issues, including me, that want others to learn to stop being insensitive and actually know its not something to joke about. Also bullying and harassment need to actually have consequences instead of defending THE BULLY.
Those are my main concerns, overall its a pretty fun school and most people here are great
May 18, 2023

Things I'd like the school to work towards

As a student, its a pretty good school but I wish they'd take some things more seriously.
Things like mental health, more education of diversity (because so many carry misinformation that can involve say the LGBTQIA+ Community).
I would also want them to handle authority figures who abuse their power and actually do something about those kinds of teachers and staff.
Lastly, to actually do something about harassment and bullying more than worrying about their grades or what small argument happened in a friend group.
Thats all I have to say, the rest is quite fun
Feb 22, 2023

Year 11

Why KSHS needs to do a lot better

Teachers can’t teach, the school is unsafe, the school doesn’t have a canteen open, ridiculous expectations , teachers are dump, people hate going there, it’s falling apart, under construction, way too hot, needs better aircon, better activities, better accessibility to resources, more group support, needs to look after environment
Dampier Road, 6714, Karratha
Mario Tufilli
08 9187 8000

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