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Apr 21, 2023

Education is ok. Environment is terrible

The education at Kearnan College is subpar, it follows school curriculum and there is no problem with it. The only issue that is prevalent and growing is the racism, xenophobia and ableism. There have been multiple times when a teacher or student has made remarks of mocking disabled people or those with a speech impediment. Countless times of misogynistic words and racist slurs being yelled out in the hallway and when the students report this to a faculty member not much is done. I can not imagine how unsafe and uncomfortable many of the students at the school may feel toward their peers knowing that they are being made fun of for their skin colour or accent. Schools are supposed to be a safe and welcoming learning environment but for many it is not due to this issue. At first glance you may not notice or see this racism happening in the school because it’s hidden so well but it definitely happens. Many students view these racist comments toward their peers as just “jokes” but it’s much more than that and i can assure you that they are all old enough to understand the weight of their words.
25 Moore Street, 6258, Manjimup
Jason Meynell
08 9771 1700

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