My first year there was hell, I had ROCKS thrown at me by eshays because I was “gay”, which doesn’t matter if I am or not that should NOT happen. The teacher who was supposed to help didn’t even tell the principal and nothing happened. I got verbally abused and constantly harassed by other students, even in public. My second year was also hell, with other people throwing shit at me and my friends because most of us were “Queer” which some of us were, but at least we could admit it. Teachers usually blame other’s behaviour on their “home life” or, “adhd, other mental problems”, which first all, that’s confidential to the student, second, I don’t care. The principal was also crap, he just walked around the school and even took some kids food out of their packet of chips and ate it. WILD. They also don’t care about creepy teachers, there were multiple. I had to do part time for a bit because of the harassment, and I used to take days off or go home at the start of the day. The bathrooms are also really bad, there is a male, female and gender-neutral/disabled bathroom in a small hallway in each building. The toilets get damaged almost every day and have to be closed, meaning people have to walk to different buildings to go. I’ve had multiple people wait outside the gender-neutral bathroom banging on the door waiting to come in, and when I leave a group of 3 or 4 would just go in together. The reason I’m giving it 2 stars is because the overall subjects aren’t too bad, the canteen food is so good and the subjects you choose are way better than the ones you have to learn. The teacher aids are way better then the actual teachers with helping you with problems in general, and actually care. I’m going for another year mainly because of my friends and the subjects I get to choose because I enjoy them too much to leave. Don’t send your kid here first, look at other options, but if your kid is an eshay or homophobic/racist/sexist they will fit in.
Been made fun of by the teachers, followed around even into the bathrooms (it’s weird stop it) locked the doors to the outside in the bathrooms so if a fire was to happen (which it did) you wouldn’t be able to safely exit and would have to walk through smoke. Been harassed in grade 7 and was told “you’ll get over it” didn’t give a shit. Stopped going to school for a bit because i was so physically and mentally scared. Chase you around if you have sleeves underneath your clothes (do you want to see my arms? Weird) can’t wear clothes you feel comfortable in but the lgbtq community can wear whatever because they don’t want to seem like they’re “being homophobic” been threatened to be suspended becasue we touched the gay flag but didn’t give a shit when we touched the other ones. Made us watch a video about the yes vote and quote on quote said “you guys cannot vote but you can tell your parents to vote yes” not only is it not my business it’s also not yours. Got sent to what they called “reset room” because i apparently said something to a teacher and missed out on the lesson which told us what we were doing for an inquiry then found out that i had not said that. Was chased around by teachers who made it sound like i was a prisoner escaping just because i didn’t feel comfortable being excused from something i didn’t do. The one star is physically for the quit teacher, only one who cares. Don’t bother sending your kids to this school unless you want them being suicidal. Call your parents and say that you have done something which actually didn’t happen. Got so obviously they were lying my parents started realising i wasnr doing anytbing. Also going back to the bathrooms, i can go when i need to, stop counting how many times i go in, how long I’m in there for, and don’t you dare come in there when we are minors who are either changing or going toilets. Don’t even get me started on Pe, had a teacher in grade 7 who gave me ptsd and wasn’t even able to hear her voice without being scared. Made you weigh yourself in front of everyone. Made my friend do high jump just after breaking his arms. Made a girl do it when she forgot to put on shorts underneath her dress and everyone saw her underwear. I know this is very long but i need people to see this as well as hopefully tecahers. You cannot teach, you’re horrible “role modles” and i will not let you treat me like your kid, i am here to learn not to be chased around because I’m wearing sleeves. Stop being weird.
been verbally abused by teacher, doesn’t matter though because there’s “always a reason to be screamed at” teachers feel the need to embarrass you in front of everyone, calling you out, name calling and it’s all just “a joke” creepy as teachers- had to leave school for a bit because of the nightmares i was having about my main teacher, apparently been suspended from school for perving on girls - was made clear is wasn’t an “apparent” thing and was real from the result of it happening to my friends. you don’t learn what the “australian curriculum” says you have to- more just learn the same thing over and over again but not actually learn because teachers don’t actually help. 2 stars because of the quit smoking teacher, he makes everyone feel incredibly safe and provided a spot to go if you feel angry in class or need a break. pe is a thing to shame the ‘unfit’ wouldn’t go to school the day i had pe for becasue i was scared. made us weigh ourselves in grade 7- traumatic experience 3 or so good teachers in the school. news flash for educators - even if we hate a subject, having a good teacher who you get along with really does help having a bad teacher = angry students
Horrible, shit-hole. Almost everyone that attended wanted to kts. They don’t care about mental health at all, they do nothing about bullying but blame the victim. Do no go here unless your looking for a death wish.
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