
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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May 18, 2023

From a student

They praise their zero bullying policy but do they actually force that policy? As a student of the school i have been harassed and assaulted and both students and teacher, i have taken it to the head of department but nothing has ever been done. Teachers pick on students and purposely embarrass them in-front of large crowds, they don't care about there students well-being just what the mark they get at the end of term.. Male teachers make inappropriate comments regarding how the female students dress as if the girls are purposely trying to attract them. We as students feel uncomfortable with having multiple teachers and staff members commenting on outer appearances even personal details in a public setting. Coming from a students who wishes they didn't have to go back, please try another school.
May 15, 2023

I feel i can do nothing else.

The school claims to have a zero bullying policy but does not uphold that policy in anyway. Students are bullied, harassed and humiliated on a daily not only by students but by teachers too. I personally as a student of the school feel uncomfortable by the male teachers and I have taken this up to the head of the school with nothing being done about it. Please for your child's mental and physical well-being send them elsewhere.
Mar 2, 2023

Malanda High review

I moved from Atherton to Malanda and it was the best decision i’ve ever made. The teachers at Malanda High School actually care about your learning instead of the final grade. There’s also no mean girl group, all the girls in my grade are so sweet and nice. I’m just so happy I moved schools.
Memorial Avenue, 4885, Malanda
Gary Toshach
07 4096 7111

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