
Based on 2 reviews and 18 answers
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Föredetta elev
Sep 1, 2023

bad, but could be worse

incredibly boring school, teachers do nothing to make classes even remotely interesting. difficult to keep up with work, and the entire environment is just generally depressing. the only redeeming quality is how not-strict it is. Teachers are generally really nice and don't care overly much about uniform. you’re allowed to wear your sports uniform everyday, and people just wear pretty much whatever pants they want as long as it’s right colour. full of vapes and mullets and overall just not a great time. students misbehave and don’t listen to teachers, classes are very loud and flipping/throwing tables is a fairly common occurrence. promised classes and programs are often cancelled due to low numbers (including pathways in years 7&8, and VCE/VET) and there are very little opportunities. Music stuff is fairly decent though, productions are usually really good. canteen’s alright, wellbeing is good, and the free GP on school grounds is something i think more places should do. overall it’s not great, but i think it depends on the person.
Föredetta elev
Jun 24, 2023

Can you say scam?

Hi, ex-student here you might want to pull up a chair as I tell you about this so called art school. This school wastes its money on buildings for school tours while talking themselves up spending I'd say about 10% of there budget at best on the lower school as to give the appirence as though they are who they claimed. I chose to go to this school as of there so called arts program. However by year 9 half the classes are cut so by vce classes you haven't taken are all that's available with about 8 classes to choose from. What's worse is the quote un quote learning, by the time you hit year 10 all the learning you do, you do yourself because they stop teaching you anything. The school does nothing about bullying either. So in short save yourself or your kids from the scam that is Melba.
20 Brentnall Road, 3136, Croydon
Arron Sykes
03 9870 4551

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