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Oct 23, 2023

Worst High-School in Moree

Moree Secondary College is the worst high-school in Moree, the only public high-school for Moree and has been the first high-school to be established around the 40s for Moree. Ever since the 90s and onwards the school has been so bad, it's so devastating and disappointing. I'm truly worried about the future of Moree, and the public education in Moree.
Former Student
Jul 20, 2023

My review on this school

They do not treat the teachers with any sort of respect it has got bad since I have left and is gonna get worse. So thankful I’m on the other side now.
Feb 17, 2023

Disorganized and disappointing elective curriculum.

One of the primary issues with the college is the quality of its elective curriculum. The college's elective offerings are woefully inadequate and do not allow students to pursue the subjects they are most interested in. This lack of choice can lead to a disinterest in learning and general dissatisfaction with the educational experience.

Furthermore, the academic electives are also limited, with students only being able to choose one elective from each line. This lack of flexibility in course selection is a major drawback, as it does not allow students to explore a variety of subjects and may hinder their academic progress.

In order to improve Moree Secondary College's elective curriculum, the administration could conduct a survey or focus group to gather feedback from students on their desired elective courses. The college could then work to implement these courses or find ways to incorporate these subjects into existing electives.

Additionally, the college could consider offering more academic elective options to give students greater flexibility in their course selection. This could include allowing students to take multiple electives from the same line or offering more specialized courses to meet the needs of different students.

In conclusion, Moree Secondary College's elective curriculum is in need of improvement, and it is important for the administration to take steps to address this issue. By gathering student feedback and expanding course offerings, the college can provide a more fulfilling educational experience for its students.
Carol Avenue, 2400, Moree
Paula Barton
02 6750 6500

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