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Jul 22, 2023

sh!t school don’t send ur kids here

don’t send ur kids here!!
(Some of these r personal experiences)
-some teachers r racist (I’ve heard them say the n word) one even said it multiple times to my face
-their communication is very poor & they never get back to u
-canteen is very over priced
-they’ll suspend u for the stupidest reasons ever
-mould everywhere
-they only allow 1 bathroom open at school and they don’t even have sanitary products in the bathrooms, and barely ever have soap.
-they give out detentions like it’s nothing but then half the time they don’t even run them
-teachers r disrespectful & some r creepy
-me & my friend got in trouble for the same thing (over smth stupid) & we both got a after school detention which neither of us attended & even tho the school was aware I wasn’t going they gave me a suspension & not my friend. (Racially motivated if u ask me🤷🏽‍♀️)
-they care more abt the colour of ur socks than ur mental health
-teachers will lie abt situations that have happened at school & over exaggerate it
-nearly all the class rooms r in shit condition
-drink taps r disgusting
-for ages they had one itchy jumper that wasn’t even comfortable so kids would wear their rain coats(part of uniform) but they’d get taken off of them if it wasn’t raining & they couldn’t get them back for the rest of the day
-some teachers lock their doors so students can’t come into the class room if they’re even the tiniest bit late
-our Indonesian teachers expect us to be able to write a whole letter in Indonesian jus by memory even if they don’t know the language and get mad if we can’t
-rats around the school
-students have sexually assaulted others yet nothing was ever done abt it and the ones who did it never got in trouble.
-they lock locker rooms at snack & lunch and guard them so no one can go in, even when it’s pouring rain and there’s no where else to go cs everyones already undercover so it gets extremely crowded.
-paints peeling off walls and ceilings all throughout the school, peice of the ceiling has actually fallen off before.
-students been chocked during class and the teacher doesn’t do anything abt it, he completely ignores the situation (aware it’s happening) & grins while the student gets chocked.
-teachers don’t care abt u or ur mental health
-they teach u abt all the wrong things that r pointless
-they always claim they’ll do smth but then never do it
-some teachers can be controlling when it comes to students needing the bathroom, especially girls, they expect students to be able to “control their bladder” but it literally doesn’t work like that, we can’t control when we have to use the bathroom, and we shouldn’t be told “no” when we needa go.
-uniforms r overpriced & ugly
-students aren’t allowed nose rings in at school yet I’ve seen teachers w them?? If students can’t have specific things like that why should the teachers be allowed?
-they care more abt the colour of ur nails, the colour of ur hair more than u
-teachers don’t handle situations well, they’ll yell at u and act disrespectful but they’ll get mad when a student stands up for themselves and talks back.
-some teachers don’t understand personal space & will get way too close (when a teachers walked past me and talked to me they’ve touched my waist & I jus find it weird.)
-a male teacher has tried to hug a female student
-some teachers stare at u tryna be intimidating which I find wierd & creepy.
-if u complain to the school abt smth most the time it’ll get ignored & nothing will get done abt the issue
Former Student
Jun 6, 2023

Vce/vcal/ vce vm

don’t send your kids here

only a few teachers cared about the students, they are rude and dismissive. the school has a high rate of students sexually assaulting one another and the principal turns a blind eye and went so far as victim blaming same for bullying
Feb 14, 2023

Dog water

-Mould growing on the walls
-paint falling off the roof
-holes in the roof
-holes in floors
-not being able to go anywhere with there being a disgusting amount of mould or dust everywhere
-teacher saying the n-word to a black student
-teacher marrying a past student
-most students are getting stressed and overworked and won’t get any help unless you’re depressed or mentally ill
-giving students detention and some of the teachers don’t even show up and leave you standing outside the classroom all lunch (45 minutes)
-male teachers going into the girls bathrooms
-asbestos ridden classrooms
-teacher saying “ I don’t care if the price for the school blazer is too high, just buy it! “(Price of blazer is $200 or higher )
-overpriced and ugly uniforms
-school keeps hiring teachers that are racist or either pedos
-teachers criticising students about rubbish around the school and will take pictures and make presentations about how sad and disgusting it is but will leave the rubbish on the ground for the students to clean up
-rats going around in locker bays
-mould in lockers and locker bay floors
-toilets being stained with pee or poop
-water being in bathroom floors
-outdated drinking taps and sinks
-upstairs railing is covered with dirt and bird poo
-layout of school is unorganised and could change after coming back from holidays
-lack of ac and heaters in classrooms
-boys going in bathrooms and sticking pads from girls sanitary dispensers onto the mirrors and walls which led to it getting removed and female students having to go to the office to go ask staff for pads/tampons
204 Canadian Bay Road, 3930, Mount Eliza
James Barut
03 9787 6288

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