This school *** **** ** ** **** **** and balls this school is so shit I wish I could leave we students get disrespected alot and the bad do shit and us kids who do nothing get untroubled too. My class got told a couple of days ago but ms curtis a teacher there that we are the reason the school has a teacher shortage because of how rude we were all we did was shit in the classroom and be on our laptops because she told us to. It ridiculous how disrespected we are bayou except us to respect you but we as kids have learnt that if you want to be respected you have to respect us bad and not except it for no reason
Within my beginning of my time at orange high school I have been a subject of bullying. The experience I had was that everything would of had a reason or this will all past over, but now a absolutely hate the people who wrong me and now the talk about students being rude and careless.Well the reason why we are the way we are is because we are ethier being are pointed the finger at or disrespected. For example, a accident that happen a year ago with a girl who is disabled being place in a point of view being the victim. Well guess what the girl was a bully and subject place herself in a position that created everyone to hate her and now she is back in a school that she was bullying kids in?? She has no charges against her because she use her disability to an extend or overboard to get herslef out and trying to sue a kid who defendwd their self because the girl (one that is disabled) told the girl to come at her and throw a hit. But before the other girl hit her the she was fake falling early to fall just like in that one video of her.
Another example on why, is that the very little of respect not just to the teacher but to the students. You say your older so you deserve respect?! Well our generation learnt that you get respect by treating us like you would, so that must mean you dislike yourself but you throw yourself around saying we are the future, we need to grow up? We are kids what do you expect? We aren't understanding our learning because we are not like you you can't expect every single child to dress the same act the same and speak the same we all have faults that we can't control because we have the hardest time understand YOU!...
and if I hear another "we know how you feel" or " I use to say the same" well you don't so don't say it.
Good education system. Amazing opportunities for students that you can't find anywhere else. The students behavior has gone down in the last few years with strong drug use and violence. It has a good support program with semi-accessible features where the accessibility is there but it takes a lot longer and is very out of the way.
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