As a past student of Rochdale state high school, I would advise you to not send your kids here, because one it’s a 2.0 star rating school and the teachers here don’t care about anyone else’s but them self, they also suspend people for the dumbest things and reasons like, when I was in year 8 I was suspended for 1 to 2 weeks for only saying dumb ass to some kid, and there have also been female teachers that have fully gone into the boys bathroom while there were boys inside, so if you don’t want to deal with bullshit from Rochdale while your either at home or work don’t send your kids here.
The school puts a lot of their money into making the school look good instead of putting it into something good like for eg: helping students mental health. Mental health is not cared about in this school and if you are found crying in class they will tell you to get over it and keep working.
One of the worst schools by far care more about uniforms then the students swastikas around the school they paint over the bathrooms and buildings but can’t cover the swastikas around school like cmon best thing about this school is the tuck-shop lady’s they have my entire hearts
I wish I could give it a zero the teachers are only there for the money no passion in what they do. The principal and her deputies have a power tip and love to look down and hold power over children. No respect shown and if you aren't to there standards of respect they will suspend you but they will make sure to keep it under 15 days so you have no way to protest against it. I hope the principal Miss Itsikson retires Immediately( she has been transferred around multiple schools around Brisbane and everyone single one has gotten worse idk why they don't just fire her instead of moving her around every few years)
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