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Former Student
Feb 28, 2023

Speaking from Experience - class of 2021

Aside from their strangely strict policy on the uniform and the leather black shoes.
Unley overall is a good school for domestic and international students. They do offer more range of classes and Vocational Educational Training (if you starting year11), right now before 2023. Unley ran mostly with SACE but this year and onward they have the IB program for families if they want to enter. Not sure about every other schools, Unley also offers a range of sources and teachers that can help you or your child to achieve their best. Not to mention, their rowing program is phenomenal.

Languages: it's a compulsory for year 7 and 8s to select a language to learn. They can drop the subject or the subject will be dropped if not enough students (usually year11). So they offer, French, Italian, Greek and Chinese.

Yes they have a range of clubs aswell: rowing, footie, rugby, debating and the Egame club, swimming and many more

VET or Vocational Educational Training: year 10 students during their subject selections for year 11 can choose to do a VET course of their choosing. From my experience and understanding, the Barista course and the Personal Training course are quite popular. Theres a range of different courses you can take, and depending on the course, there are SACE points included if you complete the course.

Zones: another thing that most schools have are school zones. However, Unley has a few of their tricks. To get into Unley, if you live within the zone, your safe. If you have an older sibling currently enrolled with the school, your safe, and you can even enter an entrance exam of sorts, and your safe. Unley is pretty flexible with their zones.

They have your usual 7 compulsory classes. They also offer some other electives; child studies, Food Hospitality, Metalwork, Woodwork, Creative Design, Photography, PE Extension, Outdoor Education, EAL (English as additional Language, mostly for international students or domestic students who speak English as their second language), Literacy (for students who have trouble with general and Literature english), Maths; Advanced, specialist, general and Numeracy), Psychology, Legal Studies, PLP (personal learning plan, only for yr9s)

French Program: students can learn school through french. Basically advanced French classes for students.

Volunteer work: students can volunteer in the school canteen, if they wish to, they will work one recess and lunch for one day of the week. The lunch ladies will give students the reward (two canteen vouchers $5 total) to use in the canteen. And these are only exclusive to the students volunteering in the canteen. I personally recommend it, it can really spice up your resume and help you learn basic cash handling and customer service, in which can also benefit you when you get a part-time job.

Student Council: The Student Voice Council. Each homegroup in each year level will have selected their SVC representatives. These representatives will have their choice of choosing a category of the SVC they can join. Each category represents something within the school: social events (students will plan and prepare and execute varies activities and events for students during lunch time or for twilight markets or even a food festival), uniforms (looking for ways to improve the uniforms and the policies surrounding the uniforms), curriculum (to expand and better accommodate the curriculum), environment and facilities (improving the overall outlook of the school. E.g flowerbeds and compost bin for the food classes, more compost bins around the schools, bins and improving the facilities). I highly recommend for students to go for Student Voice Council, again it can also spice up your resume and can help you practice public speaking (and maybe even your confidence in talking with teachers.)

To whoever this may concern, I hope you find this useful. Thank you for your time.

Former SVC representative,
Class of 2021.
101 Kitchener Street, 5062, Netherby
Greg Rolton
08 8394 5400

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