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May 22, 2024

Concerned parent

My son asked his math teacher for a bit of help to catch up as he was falling behind a bit and she said abruptly - no, go to the office. They don't operate that way. The office does Tutor kids. He's not perfect but he tries hard and he's being treated like he's a bad kid creating trouble or something. This is just one small example of what goes on there. Kids are smoking marijuana in the boys toilets that the teachers or school office do nothing about. My son told me most of his friends as well as my son don't use the toilets as these boys taking drugs throw things at them peer over the top of the toilets etc. there are too many incidents to write but I'd make a change or send your child to a different school. The teacher are burnt out trying to control kids who don't care to be there and make it near impossible to get work done. Don't send your child there if you can possibly help it!
May 22, 2024

Worst HS in Australia!!!

This HS is a joke most of the teachers and the principal couldn’t care less about the students they are obviously more interested in the socks and other dress code violations than teaching period it’s appalling.When students ask for help in a subject they are more often than not told to go elsewhere how r they supposed learn if the crappy teacher won’t help them it’s a joke sad but TRUE. The Queensland education system is pathetic it needs a complete overhaul get rid of apathetic teachers and Principals and bring in caring and passionate teachers especially at this HS kids need and deserve the best teachers.And a principal who actually cares and bring order and a safe learning environment in the class room. Thank goodness my kids where educated in another state,but l know a lot of kids who go there and have been there and there is NOT one good word from them about this school all negative about teachers leaning environment and bullying nobody in authority cares it’s DISTURBING and DISGUSTING…
Mar 10, 2023

I’m embarrassed to say I’m from VPSHS

I feel like my opportunities are limited in this school like they care more about uniform than education most of the time. They don’t want any fun celebrations for there students like semi formals, trips for seniors and end of junior school celebrations or even free dress days because apparently ‘it makes the school look bad’ or ‘it breaks the uniform policy’. Like I get if the school doesn’t have enough funds for it but like cmon, you are teaching the future generation they only get to live high-school once! Make the most of it! I wish the school had more school based event and festivals to raise school spirit. I just feel like I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I went to Victoria point state high because i never had any memorable events that I would want to look back to. It’s really hurts me seeing all my friends in other schools have so much fun in there schools having big women day and even harmony day celebrations :/ this school is also extremely not inclusive towards other cultures. They only really focus on indigenous students which I understand as there is a bigger population of those student in school but I feel like my culture is not recognized in this school and I was told we don’t celebrate harmony day because there’s not enough culture in this school, and they wonder why we this school is extremely racist😐 they need to bring up more of these event to familrise students who haven’t been exposed to other cultures and prepare them for the real world!! It’s 2023!!! And they think taking away phones will make this school better, it’s not. People are still gonna use phones to record fights and what not and yes I find it annoying but I can’t even pay for my lunch with my phone like using my phone to pay will distract my learning and I can’t even use my Apple Watch! This school really needs to recognize what decade we are in and how earring’s isn’t going to affect my learning :)
Feb 18, 2023

Bad school

This school cares more about the uniform then the actual education.I came from NSW and I am learning stuff I learnt in year 8. I asked for harder work and they said no u will get an A on your assignment.
On my second day I got sent home for not wearing the right shoes as I brought in a note explaining that I won’t have the right shoes untill next week and I can wear my shoes they sent me home and I missed out on a whole week of school just for my shoes. This school is horrible.I recommend that u don’t send your kid there
Feb 3, 2023

Victoria point state high school

The level of discrimination and disrespect for teachers and students is absolutely horrendous, sometimes you would get good teachers but you'd get a terrible class and learn nothing. Almost every week there would be a fight or some sort of drama that wouldn't be sorted out even if split up by teachers.
93-131 Benfer Road, 4165, Victoria Point
Robyn Burton-Ree
07 3820 5888

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